Roulin, N., Lukacik, E. R., Bourdage, J. S., Clow, L., Bakour, H., & Diaz, P. (2023). Bias in the background? The role of background information in asynchronous video interviews. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(3), 458-475.

Schmidt, J. A., Bourdage, J. S., Lukacik, E. R., & Dunlop, P. D. (2022). The Role of Time, Skill Emphasis, and Verifiability in Job Applicants’ Self-Reported Skill and Experience. Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-16.

Sterzer, F. R., Caird, J. K., Simmons, S., & Bourdage, J. S. (2022). A scoping review of predictors of driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC) in young drivers. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 88, 168-183.

Boss, H. C., Lee, C. S., Bourdage, J. S., & Hamilton, L. K. (2022). Developing and testing a framework for understanding refugees' job search processes. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 41(4), 568-591.

Roulin, N., Wong, O., Langer, M., & Bourdage, J. S. (2022). Is more always better? How preparation time and re-recording opportunities impact fairness, anxiety, impression management, and performance in asynchronous video interviews. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1-13.

Lukacik, E. R., Bourdage, J. S., & Roulin, N. (2022). Into the void: A conceptual model and research agenda for the design and use of asynchronous video interviews. Human Resource Management Review, 100789.

Moon, B., Lee, N. M. H., & Bourdage, J. S. (2022). Personalized and socialized need for power: Distinct relations to employee traits and behaviors. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 54(1), 28.

Roulin, N., Langer, M., & Bourdage, J. S. (2021). “I” feel (s) left out: The importance of information and communication technology in personnel selection research. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 14(3), 423-427.

Pike, M., Powell, D., Bourdage, J.S., & Lukacik, E. (2021). Why Not Interview? Investigating Interviews as a Method for Judging Honesty-Humility. Journal of Personnel Psychology.

Wingate, T. G., Jones, S. K., Khakhar, M. K., & Bourdage, J. S. (2021). Speaking of allergies: Communication challenges for restaurant staff and customers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 96, 102959.

Jones, S. K., Chan, K. H., Bourdage, J. S., & Bharwani, A. (2021). Identifying leadership in medical trainees: valuation of a competency-based approach. BMJ Leader, leader-2020.

Roulin, N., Bourdage, J. S., Hamilton, L. K., O'Neill, T. A., & Shen, W. (2021). Emerging research in industrial–organizational psychology in Canada. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 53(2), 91.

Powell, D. M., Bourdage, J. S., & Bonaccio, S. (2021). Shake and fake: The role of interview anxiety in deceptive impression management. Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-12.

Wilhelmy, A., Roulin, N., & Wingate, T. G. (2021). Does it take two to tango? Examining how applicants and interviewers adapt their impression management to each other. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36, 1053-1076.

Lukacik, E. R., & Bourdage, J. S. (2020). I like what I see: Attraction to organizations and Honesty–Humility. Personality and Individual Differences, 161, 109930.

Robie, C., Christiansen, N. D., Bourdage, J. S., Powell, D. M., & Roulin, N. (2020). Nonlinearity in the relationship between impression management tactics and interview performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(4), 522-530.

Bourdage, J. S., Schmidt, J., Wiltshire, J., Nguyen, B., & Lee, K. (2020). Personality, interview performance, and the mediating role of impression management. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(3), 556-577.

Bourdage, J. S., Schmidt, J., Wiltshire, J., Nguyen, B., & Lee, C. (2020). Personality, interview faking, and the mediating role of attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioral control. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(2), 163-175.

MacInnis, C. C., Boss, H. C., & Bourdage, J. S. (2020). More evidence of participant misrepresentation on Mturk and investigating who misrepresents. Personality and Individual Differences, 152, 109603.

Sidhu, D. M., Deschamps, K., Bourdage, J. S., & Pexman, P. M. (2019). Does the name say it all? Investigating phoneme-personality sound symbolism in first names. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(9), 1595.

Dunlop, P. D., Bourdage, J. S., de Vries, R. E., McNeill, I. M., Jorritsma, K., Orchard, M., ... & Choe, W. K. (2020). Liar! Liar!(when stakes are higher): Understanding how the overclaiming technique can be used to measure faking in personnel selection. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 784.

Roulin, N., Bourdage, J. S., & Wingate, T. G. (2019). Who is conducting “better” employment interviews? Antecedents of structured interview components use. Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 5(1), 2.

Wingate, T., & Bourdage, J. S. (2019). Liar at first sight? Early impressions and interviewer judgments, attributions, and false perceptions of faking. Journal of Personnel Psychology.
- Read more

Wingate, T., Lee, C., Bourdage, J. S. (2019). Who helps and why? Contextualizing Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. - Read more

Lukacik, E. R., & Bourdage, J. S. (2019). Exploring the influence of abusive and ethical leadership on supervisor and coworker-targeted impression management. Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-19.

Bourdage, J. S., Roulin, N., & Tarraf, R. (2018). “I (Might Be) just that good”: Honest and deceptive impression management in employment interviewsPersonnel Psychology, 71(4), 597-632. - Read more

Schmidt, J. A., Willness, C. R., Jones, D. A., & Bourdage, J. S. (2018). Human resource management practices and voluntary turnover: A study of internal workforce and external labor market contingencies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (3), 571-594. - Read more

Bourdage, J. S., Goupal, A., Neilson, T., Lukacik, E., & Lee, N. (2018). Personality, equity sensitivity, and discretionary workplace behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 144-150. - Read more

Dunlop, P. D., Bourdage, J. S., de Vries, R. E., Hilbig, B. E., Zettler, I., & Ludeke, S. G. (2017). Openness to (reporting) experiences that one never had: Overclaiming as an outcome of the knowledge accumulated through a procilivity for cognitive and aesthetic exploration. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113, 810-834. - Read more

Bourdage, J. S., Roulin, N., & Levashina, J. (2017). Editorial: Impression Management and Faking in Job Interviews. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1294 in Special Research Topic: Impression Management and Faking in Job Interviews.

Roulin, N., & Bourdage, J. S. (2017). Once an impression manager, always an impression manager? Antecedents of honest and deceptive impression management use and variability across multiple job interviews. Frontiers in Psychology (Organizational Psychology), 8 in Special Research Topic: Impression Management and Faking in Job Interviews

"This study is the first of its kind to explore the variability of different IM tactics across multiple job interviews." - Read more

Powell, D. M., & Bourdage, J. S. (2016). The detection of personality traits in employment interviews: Can "good judges" be trained? Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 194-199. 

"Personality traits may be important to detect in the job interview, as they relate to job performance and satisfaction." -Read more

Law, S. J., Bourdage, J. S., & O’Neill, T. A. (2016). To fake or not to fake: Antecedents to interview faking, warning instructions, and its impact on applicant reactions. Frontiers in Psychology Special issue: Impression management and faking in interviews. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01771.

"Interview faking, which can include anything from omitting bad past experiences to inventing job experiences, can compromise this process, potentially leading to costly hiring decisions"- Read more

Woodley, H.J.R., Bourdage, J. S., Ogunfowora, B., & Nguyen, B. (2015). Examining equity sensitivity: An investigation using the Big Five and HEXACO models of personality. Frontiers in Psychology, 6. - Read more

Bourdage, J. S., Wiltshire, J., & Lee, K. (2015). Personality and workplace impression management: Correlates and implications. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 537-546. DOI: 10.1037/a0037942.

Wiltshire, J., Bourdage, J. S., & Lee, K. (2014). Honesty-Humility and perceptions of organizational politics in predicting workplace outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology, 29, 235-251. DOI: 10.1007/s10869-013-9310-0. - Read more; Learn more

Ogunfowora, B. & Bourdage, J. S. (2014). Does Honesty-Humility influence evaluations of leadership emergence? The mediating role of moral disengagement. Personality and Individual Differences, 56, 95-99. - Read more

Ogunfowora, B., Bourdage, J. S., & Nguyen, B. (2013). An exploration of the dishonest side of self-monitoring: Links to moral disengagement and unethical business decision making. European Journal of Personality, 27, 532-544. - Read more

Lee, K., Ashton, M. C., Wiltshire, J., Bourdage, J. S., Visser, B. A., & Gallucci, A. (2013). Sex, power, and money: Prediction of the Dark Triad and Honesty-Humility. European Journal of Personality, 27, 169-184

Bourdage, J. S., Lee, J., Lee, K., & Shin, H. (2012). Motives for organizational citizenship behavior: Personality correlates and co-worker ratings of OCB. Human Performance, 25, 179-200.

Schmidt, J.A., Ogunfowora, B., & Bourdage, J.S. (2012). No person is an island: The effects of group characteristics on individual trait expression. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, 925-945.

Ferris, P. A., Kline, T. J. B., & Bourdage, J. S. (2012). He said she said: Work, bio-psychosocial, and lifestyle contributions to coronary heart disease risk. Health Psychology, 31, 503-511

Ogunfowora, B., Bourdage, J.S., & Lee, K. (2010). Rater personality and performance dimension weighting in making overall performance judgments. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25, 465-476.

Lee, K., Ashton, M. C., Ogunfowora, B., Bourdage, J. S., & Shin, K.H. (2010). The personality bases of socio-political attitudes: The role of Honesty-Humility and Openness to Experience. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 115-119.

Lee, K., Ashton, M.C., Pozzebon, J.A., Visser, B.A., Bourdage, J.S., & Ogunfowora, B. (2009). Similarity and assumed similarity in personality reports of well-acquainted persons. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 460-472.

Bourdage, J.S., Lee, K., Ashton, M.C., & Perry, A. (2007). Big Five and HEXACO model personality correlates of sexuality. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 1506-1516.


Law, S., & Bourdage, J. S. (2017). Personality and Leadership. In Ziegler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing, 1-5. 

Lee, C. S., & Bourdage, J. S. (2017). Risk taking. In B. J. Carducci (Editor-in-Chief) & A. Di Fabio, D. H. Saklofske, & C. Stough (Vol. Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: Vol. III. Personality processes and individual differences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Lee, C. S., & Bourdage, J. S. (2017). Hostility, personality correlates. In B. J. Carducci (Editor-in-Chief) & A. Di Fabio, D. H. Saklofske, & C. Stough (Vol. Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: Vol. III. Personality processes and individual differences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


Shumlich, E. & Bourdage, J.S. (2017). Personality Correlates of Mindfulness. In B. J. Carducci (Editor-in-Chief) & A. Di Fabio, D. H. Saklofske, & C. Stough (Vol. Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: Vol. III. Personality processes and individual differences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.